Calendar — California Tobacco-Free Colleges
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Earth Day 2025
6:00 AM06:00

Earth Day 2025

Earth Day

Public health advocates across the state have an opportunity to raise awareness about the devastating consequences to our environment of commercial tobacco growing, manufacturing, and use.

Smoke/Tobacco-Free Earth Day Events

Each year, CYAN supports local and campus-based activities hosted on or around Earth Day to increase awareness of the devastating impact commercial tobacco has on the environment.

CYAN offers free support and resources to any college campus that would like to host an event and raise awareness on their campus. By registering with CYAN for Earth Day, campuses will receive: free tote bags to give to students on campus (if interested), Event Toolkit with event ideas and forms, educational materials, and social media resources.


Registration for this event is open to California colleges and universities and California Tobacco Prevention Program (CTPP) funded agencies supporting institutions of higher education. Registration is open through Friday, April 11, 2025.


Get educated on how commercial tobacco impacts the environment.

Plan an Event

Earth Day festivals and events are a great place to share how tobacco and nicotine products negatively impact the environment. In late March 2025, an Earth Day Toolkit will be shared provide more information about the desctructive cycle of commercial tobacco and how to use this information to engage and educate community and campus members on strategies to eliminate tobacco waste and secondhand smoke from our environment.


Use your social media pages to share information about tobacco’s impact on the environment. New messages for the 2025 event will be released in early April, which can be used to educate students on how tobacco products harm the environment. And, consider sharing the The Earth is Not Disposable: Nicotine Vape Waste video or the Tobacco and the Environment video. More guidance for sharing messages is available here.

Need help with posting messages? Contact or follow @cyanonline on Instagram for more information.


Support friends and families in quitting tobacco. Quit tips and resources for youth and young adults are available at All Californians can get help quitting at


Walk around your neighborhood and community (practicing proper social distancing) and clean up tobacco waste. Make sure to wear gloves and bring an air-tight container to hold the waste. Take note of the types of products you are picking up and where, for example, near a park or school. Share your findings with with coalition members, community leaders, and the media.


Reach out to local decision makers, state legislators, and campus administrators and educate them on how tobacco use impacts your local communities. Working on a smoke/tobacco-free policy? Utilize information about tobacco’s impact on the environment to further encourage smoke/tobacco-free policy adoption and to create a plan to reopen smoke/tobacco-free.


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6:00 AM06:00

Great American Smokeout 2024

Great American Smokeout 2024

For more than 40 years, the American Cancer Society has hosted the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November.  Great American Smokeout activities provide an opportunity for individuals, college campuses, community groups, businesses, health care providers, and others to encourage people who use tobacco to use the date to make a plan to quit, or plan in advance and initiate a tobacco quit plan on the day of the event .

The Great American Smokeout is traditionally held on the third Thursday of November; however, your campus might choose to plan the event on a different day to accommodate your campus calendar. Great American Smokeout is on November 21, 2024


Registration for this evant is closed.


CYAN provides free resources to California colleges and universities interested in hosting campus events to motivate and support students and campus community members in quitting tobacco. Resources include quit kits, print educational and cesation materials, and tools to generate ideas for on-campus events and activities.

Quit Kits

Quit kits are designed to support individuals who use tobacco in quitting by providing an assortment of quit tools and resources. This year’s quit kits include items such as honey sticks, gum, hard candy, quit brochure, a pen, and a note pad for individuals to document cravings and triggers. CYAN sends campuses all supplies and campus partners can build the quit kits and add additional resources or materials, if interested.

Customizable quit kit materials are available in English, Spanish, and for Student Veterans. When registering, individuals can select which quit kits they are interested in receiving.

Educational Materials

Posters, flyers, fact cards, and other educational materials are available free of charge to help promote tobacco cessation on your campus. If you would like these additional materials for your Great American Smokeout and other events on campus, please click here. Note: You will be redirected to the website for ordering.

Event Toolkit

CYAN provides an Event Toolkit which offers event ideas, social media messaging, and resources for education, advocacy, and tobacco treatment.

social media resources

Interested in posting social messages to promote GAS and your event? We’ve created a series of social media messages designed to promote quitting tobacco. There are messages that can be used throughout this week to motivate quit attempts.  Make sure to “follow” CYAN on social media so you can re-post our messages and we can see your posts.  You can find us on Instagram at @cyanonline


If you would like to request educational materials to from Kick It California, formerly the California Smokers’ Helpline, visit here. Kick It California provides free support for individuals in California to quit tobacco. For more information about the helpline, please visit

For more information about this event, please contact Symphanie Algodon at

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Smoke and Tobacco-Free College Conference
9:00 AM09:00

Smoke and Tobacco-Free College Conference

The California Youth Advocacy Network (CYAN) will be hosting a virtual Smoke and Tobacco-Free College Conference on Thursday, May 2, 2024 from 9:00am - 4:00pm


Morning Sessions (9:00am – 12:00pm)

The statewide conference will kick off with a focus on young adult college student tobacco use and strategies for supporting quit attempts. Sessions will highlight emerging tobacco-related challenges for California colleges and universities; current tobacco use among college students; strategies colleges are using to support students in quitting tobacco.

Afternoon Sessions (1:00pm - 4:00pm)

The afternoon sessions will be dedicated to student engagement and advancing smoke and tobacco-free policies at California Community Colleges. Participants will hear from young adults who will share strategies for engaging students in tobacco prevention and treatment intiatiives; staff from colleges and community partners who will highlight successes in partnering with students; and a research team on what factors contribute to successful smoke/tobacco-free policy adoption on community college campuses.

The tentative conference agenda can be viewed here.


This Conference is open to anyone working with or interested in learning more about addressing tobacco use at a college or university. 


There is no cost to attend this event.


Registration will open on March 27th and will remain open through May 1, 2024.  Registration is required to attend the event. 


For additional information about this event, please contact

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Earth Day 2024
6:00 AM06:00

Earth Day 2024

Earth Day

Public health advocates across the state have an opportunity to raise awareness about the devastating consequences to our environment of commercial tobacco growing, manufacturing, and use.

Smoke/Tobacco-Free Earth Day Events

Each year, CYAN supports local and campus-based activities hosted on or around Earth Day to increase awareness of the devastating impact commercial tobacco has on the environment.

CYAN offers free support and resources to any college campus that would like to host an event and raise awareness on their campus. By registering with CYAN for Earth Day, campuses will receive: free tote bags to give to students on campus (if interested), Event Toolkit with event ideas and forms, educational materials, and social media resources.


Registration for the 2024 event is closed.


Get educated on how commercial tobacco impacts the environment.

Plan an Event

Earth Day festivals and events are a great place to share how tobacco and nicotine products negatively impact the environment. Use the Earth Day Toolkit to learn more about the desctructive cycle of commercial tobacco and how to use this information to engage and educate community and campus members on strategies to eliminate tobacco waste and secondhand smoke from our environment.


Use your social media pages to share information about tobacco’s impact on the environment. You can utilize the Earth Day 2024 social media posts to educate young people on how tobacco products harm the environment. And, consider sharing the The Earth is Not Disposable: Nicotine Vape Waste video or the Tobacco and the Environment video. More guidance for sharing messages is available here.

Need help with posting messages? Contact or follow @cyanonline on Instagram for more information.


Support friends and families in quitting tobacco. Quit tips and resources for youth and young adults are available at All Californians can get help quitting at


Walk around your neighborhood and community (practicing proper social distancing) and clean up tobacco waste. Make sure to wear gloves and bring an air-tight container to hold the waste. Take note of the types of products you are picking up and where, for example, near a park or school. Share your findings with with coalition members, community leaders, and the media.


Reach out to local decision makers, state legislators, and campus administrators and educate them on how tobacco use impacts your local communities. Working on a smoke/tobacco-free policy? Utilize information about tobacco’s impact on the environment to further encourage smoke/tobacco-free policy adoption and to create a plan to reopen smoke/tobacco-free.


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6:00 AM06:00

Great American Smokeout 2023

Great American Smokeout 2023

For more than 40 years, the American Cancer Society has hosted the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November.  Great American Smokeout activities provide an opportunity for individuals, college campuses, community groups, businesses, health care providers, and others to encourage people who use tobacco to use the date to make a plan to quit, or plan in advance and initiate a tobacco quit plan on the day of the event .

The Great American Smokeout is traditionally held on the third Thursday of November; however, your campus might choose to plan the event on a different day to accommodate your campus calendar. Great American Smokeout is on November 16, 2023.


CYAN provides free resources to California colleges and universities interested in hosting campus events to motivate and support students and campus community members in quitting tobacco. Resources include quit kits, print educational and cesation materials, and tools to generate ideas for on-campus events and activities.

Quit Kits

Quit kits are designed to support individuals who use tobacco in quitting by providing an assortment of quit tools and resources. This year’s quit kits include items such as honey sticks, gum, hard candy, quit brochure, a pen, and a note pad for individuals to document cravings and triggers. CYAN sends campuses all supplies and campus partners can build the quit kits and add additional resources or materials, if interested.

Customizable quit kit materials are available in English, Spanish, and for Student Veterans. When registering, individuals can select which quit kits they are interested in receiving.

Educational Materials

Posters, flyers, fact cards, and other educational materials are available free of charge to help promote tobacco cessation on your campus. If you would like these additional materials for your Great American Smokeout and other events on campus, please click here. Note: You will be redirected to the website for ordering.

Event Toolkit - New!

CYAN provides an Event Toolkit which offers event ideas, social media messaging, and resources for education, advocacy, and tobacco treatment.

Social Media Resources - New!

Interested in posting social messages to promote GAS and your event? We’ve created a series of social media messages designed to promote quitting tobacco. There are messages that can be used throughout this week to motivate quit attempts.  Make sure to “follow” CYAN on social media so you can re-post our messages and we can see your posts.  You can find us on Instagram at @cyanonline


If you would like to request educational materials to from Kick It California, formerly the California Smokers’ Helpline, visit here. Kick It California provides free support for individuals in California to quit tobacco. For more information about the helpline, please visit

For more information about this event, please contact Jocelyn Rodriguez at jocelyn[at]

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Great American Smokeout 2022
6:00 AM06:00

Great American Smokeout 2022

Great American Smokeout 2022

For more than 40 years, the American Cancer Society has hosted the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November.  Great American Smokeout activities provide an opportunity for individuals, college campuses, community groups, businesses, health care providers, and others to encourage people who use tobacco to use the date to make a plan to quit, or plan in advance and initiate a tobacco quit plan on the day of the event .

The Great American Smokeout is traditionally held on the third Thursday of November; however, your campus might choose to plan the event on a different day to accommodate your campus calendar. Great American Smokeout is on November 17, 2022.


CYAN provides free resources to California colleges and universities interested in hosting campus events to motivate and support students and campus community members in quitting tobacco. Resources include quit kits, print educational and cesation materials, and tools to generate ideas for on-campus events and activities.

Quit Kits

Quit kits are designed to support individuals who use tobacco in quitting by providing an assortment of quit tools and resources. This year’s quit kits include items such as honey sticks, gum, hard candy, quit brochure, a pen, and a note pad for individuals to document cravings and triggers. CYAN sends campuses all supplies and campus partners can build the quit kits and add additional resources or materials, if interested.

Customizable quit kit materials are available in English, Spanish, and for Student Veterans. When registering, individuals can select which quit kits they are interested in receiving.

Educational Materials

Posters, flyers, fact cards, and other educational materials are available free of charge to help promote tobacco cessation on your campus. If you would like these additional materials for your Great American Smokeout and other events on campus, please click here. Note: You will be redirected to the website for ordering.


Registration for the 2022 event is closed.


CYAN provides an Event Toolkit which offers event ideas, social media messaging, and resources for education, advocacy, and tobacco treatment .


Interested in posting social messages to promote GAS and your event? We’ve created a series of social media messages designed to promote quitting tobacco. There are messages that can be used throughout this week to motivate quit attempts.  Make sure to “follow” CYAN on social media so you can re-post our messages and we can see your posts.  You can find us on Instagram at @cyanonline


If you would like to request educational materials to from Kick It California, formerly the California Smokers’ Helpline, visit here. Kick It California provides free support for individuals in California to quit tobacco. For more information about the helpline, please visit

For more information about this event, please contact Jocelyn Rodriguez at jocelyn[at]

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Great American Smokeout 2021
1:30 AM01:30

Great American Smokeout 2021

Great American Smokeout 2021

GAS Logo 2021.jpeg

For more than 40 years, the American Cancer Society has hosted the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday of November.  Great American Smokeout activities provide an opportunity for individuals, college campuses, community groups, businesses, health care providers, and others to encourage people who use tobacco to use the date to make a plan to quit, or plan in advance and initiate a tobacco quit plan on the day of the event .

The Great American Smokeout is traditionally held on the third Thursday of November; however, your campus might choose to plan the event on a different day to accommodate your campus calendar. Great American Smokeout is on November 18, 2021.


CYAN provides free resources to California colleges and universities interested in hosting campus events to motivate and support students and campus community members in quitting tobacco. Resources include quit kits, print educational and cesation materials, and tools to generate ideas for on-campus events and activities.

Quit Kits

Quit kits are designed to support individuals who use tobacco in quitting by providing an assortment of quit tools and resources. This year’s quit kits include items such as honey sticks, gum, hard candy, quit brochure, a pen, and a note pad for individuals to document cravings and triggers. CYAN sends campuses all supplies and campus partners can build the quit kits and add additional resources or materials, if interested.

Customizable quit kit materials are available in English, Spanish, and for Student Veterans. When registering, individuals can select which quit kits they are interested in receiving.

Educational Materials

Posters, flyers, fact cards, and other educational materials are available free of charge to help promote tobacco cessation on your campus. If you would like these additional materials for your Great American Smokeout and other events on campus, please click here. Note: You will be redirected to the website for ordering.


Registration for the 2021 event is currently open. Individuals from California colleges, universities, and vocational schools may register for free resources. Additionally, CYAN can provide materials to community based organizations working with a California college/university on smoke/tobacco-free initiatives. Registration for this event closes on Monday, November 1st. Materials will be mailed the first week of November.


CYAN provides an Event Toolkit which offers event ideas, social media messaging, and resources for education, advocacy, and tobacco treatment . Please check back for the 2021 Toolkit. Access the 2020 Great American Smokeout Virtual Toolkit here.


If you would like to request educational materials to from Kick It California, formerly the California Smokers’ Helpline, visit here. Kick It California provides free support for individuals in California to quit tobacco. For more information about the helpline, please visit

For more information about this event, please contact Krandalyn Goodman at Krandalyn[at]

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2021 Workshop Series: Supporting Students and Campus Communities in Quitting Tobacco
9:00 AM09:00

2021 Workshop Series: Supporting Students and Campus Communities in Quitting Tobacco

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Throughout February 2021, the California Youth Advocacy Network (CYAN) will be hosting a virtual workshop series to support smoke/tobacco-free interventions on college and university campuses. Each of the three days of the Smoke/Tobacco-Free College and University Workshop Series will feature a different aspect of smoke/tobacco-free college work and include a general session and two sets of breakout sessions. More information about the full workshop series is a available here.

FEBRUARY 12, 2021
9:00AM – 12:00PM

Supporting Students and Campus Communities in Quitting Tobacco and Nicotine will focus on supporting students, staff, and faculty in quitting nicotine and tobacco through new and innovative tobacco treatments strategies, including providing tobacco treatment support during the pandemic and distance learning.

* Health Services Association - California Community Colleges (HSACCC) is providing 3 CEUs for RNs attending this session.


This event is free of charge. Individuals interested in attending can register for one, two, or all three workshops within this series. The event is designed for individuals, organizations, student advocates, and college and university representatives working on smoke/tobacco-free campus interventions.



If you have additional questions about this event, please contact Alex Byrd at

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