Welcome to our "Store"

Click on the images below to see ordering options for each.  All of our educational materials are 100% free for California colleges and universities.  Just add the materials that you'd like to your cart and enter your mailing address.  We will ship your order to you free of charge within two weeks (usually sooner).  If you have any questions please email info@cyanonline.org.  

Myths & Realities

Options Include:
8.5x5.5” Fact Cards
11x17” Posters
8.5x11” Flyers

Items with * are available in Spanish.

Quitting Tobacco

Options Include:
8.5x5.5” Fact Cards
8.5x11” Trif-old Brochures

Mental Health

Options Include:
8.5x5.5” Fact Cards
11x17” Posters
8.5x11” Flyers

Spanish Materials

Options Include:
8.5x5.5” Fact Cards
11x17” Posters
8.5x11” Flyers

Tobacco-Free Policies

Student Veterans/Active Duty

Options Include:
8.5x5.5” Fact Cards
11x17” Posters
8.5x11” Flyers
8.5x11” Trif-old Brochures